
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Chat House

After church and Subway on Sunday, we went to look at Craig's location for Chat House.

Well, there is a fast blog post. But now you know.
Apparently, Craig and I look like we are siblings. Their friends would walk up and say, "It's not hard to know whose sister you are." I could actually understand when they asked me in Russian if I was his sister. Well, I understood "sister" and I knew what they meant. :)

sister - сестра


  1. That's pretty cool! Might have to...ahem, stop by for a cup of coffee...I'm sure it's on the way to somewhere :)

  2. Replies
    1. Hahaha - well, they do call me Auntie Rachel. From what I've gathered, here in Russia, they tend to do that to show respect to friends - or something like that. I like it much better than Miss Rachel. :)

    2. In Hawaii the parents and some young people, i think, are Aunts and Uncles instead of Mr. and Mrs.!
