
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

For Ben

Ben told me that I hadn't posted in a while. I've drafted several posts, but they - I don't know. They just... don't get posted?

Anyway- four years ago, we all went on vacation to California while Ben stayed home and worked as an intern at the Fort. We made him a video telling him how much we missed him (it's here on Sarah's blog - couldn't get it from youtube). 

This year, since I don't think I'll have time to make a video with siblings before he gets home, we just took a group picture.
almost all of us here - we're missing Grace and, of course, Ben

I have been getting ready for the Creation Conference coming up this weekend. My dress is finished (well, I have to put a hook and eye in) and Emily and I are working on a game for the children.

Hope you all are having a fantastic week.


  1. Ah... thanks, Ray! Good to see you all (except the Tode... where was she?)
